Encyclopaedia Metallum
Posted at 06/07/2023

Hey, Fans! We have some incredible news to share with all of you. We, as a band, have accomplished something truly special. We have been included in the renowned Encyclopaedia Metallum! For those of you who may not be familiar with this fantastic website, it’s a treasure trove for music enthusiasts like us. It allows us to indulge in our passion and explore the fascinating world of our favorite bands. You can discover detailed information about the band members, their origins, and the impressive catalog of albums they have created. It’s an absolute delight, and we can’t contain our excitement!

Below, you’ll find a link to the site so you can start geeking out and discovering more about us. Also, if you haven’t already grabbed our new Purple Vinyl, now is the perfect time to do so. Don’t wait too long, as it might sell out fast! The link to purchase our Purple Vinyl is provided below. Let’s keep the metal spirit alive and rock on!

Encyclopaedia Metallum: [Link to the website]

Purple Vinyl Purchase: [Link to purchase the Purple Vinyl]

Categoria/Category: News